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Peel Common Junior School

Mental Health support for Children, Young people and Families

  • Kooth is a free, safe, anonymous online counselling and emotional wellbeing support service for 11-25-year-olds in Hampshire with no referral needed. Pupils can sign up this week and access community discussions, content, and moderated live forums all about anxiety and coping
  • ChatHealth free messaging service for parents and carers and children and young people aged 5-19 to text a School Nurse in Hampshire
  • SHOUT provides free, 24/7 mental health support by text. Text HANTS to 85258
  • Self Harm Support Hub provides information and peer support for parents/carers supporting a child or young person who self-harms
  • Find more local and national support on Mental Wellbeing Hampshire 

For more free guidance, resources and brief e-learning for education staff on topics like sleep, emotional wellbeing and physical activity visit the Hampshire Health in Education (HHiE) website or email
