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Peel Common Primary School and Nursery

Special Educational Needs

Mrs. Dudley (Headteacher) and Mrs. A Greensmith are our SENCOs (Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinators) at Peel Common Junior School and can be contacted via the school office on 01329 281206. 

At Peel Common Junior School we have high expectations for each and every one of our children, but recognise that for some learning can be more difficult.  The main aim of our SEND policy and provision is to help to ensure that all children can achieve to their full potential, lead full and independent lives, and be successful in their futures.

If you feel that there is any additional information or support that you would like, please do not hesitate to contact either your child’s class teacher or Mrs. Dudley/Mrs. Greensmith (SENCo) via the school office.


Useful Links for Parents

  • You may wish to contact Hampshire SENDIASS (formerly Support4Send) on 0808 164 5504, or email them at, or find further information on their website . Hampshire SENDIASS provides free, impartial information, advice and support to parents/carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and to children and young people with SEND throughout Hampshire.  They cover the ages of 0 – 25, and offer support for any level of SEND.  The feedback from parents who have contacted them in the past has been that they are a valuable resource.


Hampshire SENDIASS has produced a new information video for parents and professionals to showcase what the service offers and what those accessing the service can expect. The video can be viewed below, or on their social media:


