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Peel Common Primary School and Nursery


Please read on for what Maths looks like at Peel Common Junior School!


"Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers."
Shakuntala Devi, Indian writer and mental calculator


At Peel Common Junior, we endeavor to provide all our learners with a high-quality and inspiring maths curriculum that empowers them and develops a love of the subject. Mathematics is essential and teaches us how to understand the world around us through reasoning, problem-solving and calculating. Through our curriculum, we strive to build links, deepen children’s understanding and most importantly, equip our valuable life skills.

Our children are at the heart of the structure and implementation of our maths curriculum, the ways in which they learn and achieve best are catered for and considered at all times. Children in all year groups will have a dedicated maths lesson every morning. The school’s maths curriculum and coverage is presented and delivered in a spiral model which allows children to revisit maths strands regularly and therefore deepen their understanding. Throughout their learning journey, and at all ages, children begin new learning concepts through manipulatives before moving on to pictorial and then abstract learning models. We ensure that their overall understanding of number and fluency is secure before challenging our pupils further through mastery, reasoning and application of these skills to other curriculum areas, particularly Science and Geography.


"Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas."
Albert Einstein, German theoretical physicist

Learning in Action!
